Cultural Heritage Brand BaMa TieGuanYin Iron Buddha Oolong Tea Leaf 八马 铁观音
Tea Type:Oolong Form:Loose Leaf
Size Each Bag:6 g
Country:China Area of Tea:AnXi 安溪
The blue bag is New Styled taste, the golden bag is Traditional taste in the heritage list. (蓝袋是清香型,金色袋子是文化遗产的传统浓香型)
One bag is good for mug brew for 4 times at least, or for
Yixing Teapot/Clay teapot 5-6 times
Make sure the water temperature is high enough
一袋杯泡4次,紫砂壶泡(茶客泡法)5-6次至少. 请保证水温
BaMa (八马) Brand is Chinese Intangibly Cultural Inheritor Brand for TieGuanYin Tea. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN (Appellation d'origine contrôlée / AOC) means the tea is authentically harvested and processed inside the AnXi, Fujian, China . Authentic and quality are guaranteed. 八馬是中國非物質文化遺產鐵觀音茶的傳承品牌。地理標誌代表茶葉種植生產在內安溪,是真鐵觀音
Purchased from BaMa Brand Official Store, Original Guaranteed