We carry original Cultural Heritage List and National Treasure brands -- JiangSiXuYang (苏州姜思序堂) HuKaiWen (胡开文/老胡开文), CaoSuGong (曹素功), YiDeGE(一得阁). All Maries colors pigments (马利中国画颜料)are guaranteed authentic. We purchase inventory from each individual factory directly.
For historic reasons, there are so many HuKaiWen factories. We only carry top ones. Due to the similarities of molds, please do not compare our products to something "looks same". Brand, trade marks, and original are keys. |
To suit air condition and dry area users, ink sticks might (or not) have a "skin" like out layer wrap, which is the normal and no effect on ink. At this first time of grinding, it might be felt somewhat "strange". Applying with fine sandpaper before the first time usage should be fine. Or the layer will be ground off after couple times of grinding. After each usage, please dry the ground face by a brush, rice paper or paper towel.
The plastic bags for each sticks are removed by us for the better aging, the plastic bags are in the box. We suggest wrap the stick with a piece of rice paper or no wrapping. |